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Company name: Shandong Peninsula Cable Co., Ltd

Tel.: 0535-8621134

Mobile: 13688691898

Email: [email protected]

Q Q :1653178622


Address: Tonghai Road, High tech Development Zone, Longkou, Shandong

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Label search results: 4 products, 2 news

  • [ Industry News ] Features and types of wind power cables

    1. Operating environment characteristics of wind power cable: wind power cable has been running outdoors for a long time, laid vertically in the air, frequently twisted (automatic yaw against the wind), exposed to oil (part), seawater corrosion (special environment). 2. Requirements for wind power cable: wind power cable shall have high mechanical strength, torsion resistance (soft), vibration resistance and oil resistance. In addition, cables used in cold regions
    Published on: January 1, 2018 Number of hits: 254

  • [ technical knowledge ] Characteristics and classification of wind power cables

    1. Operating environment characteristics of wind power cable: long-term outdoor operation, vertical suspension laying, frequent torsion (automatic yaw against wind), contact with oil (part), seawater corrosion (special environment). 2. Requirements for wind power cable: high mechanical strength, torsion resistance (soft), vibration resistance, oil resistance, etc. In addition, cables used in cold areas should also be resistant to low temperature (- 40 ℃). three
    Published on: December 14, 2017 Number of hits: 227

contact us

Shandong Peninsula Cable Co., Ltd

Tel.: 0535-8621134

Q        Q:1653178622

Email: [email protected]

Address: Tonghai Road, High tech Development Zone, Longkou, Shandong

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