contact us

Company name: Shandong Peninsula Cable Co., Ltd

Tel.: 0535-8621134

Mobile: 13688691898

Email: [email protected]

Q Q :1653178622


Address: Tonghai Road, High tech Development Zone, Longkou, Shandong

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  • [ technical knowledge ] 70 year long life cable

    70 year high performance long-life wires and cables High performance long-life radiation crosslinked halogen-free low smoke flame retardant fire-resistant wires and cables, adopting the internationally advanced electron accelerator physical radiation crosslinking technology, ensure the mechanical and physical properties and electrical properties of the wires, with high and low temperature, flame retardant, abrasion resistant, oil resistant and high physical properties
    Published on: November 29, 2017 Clicks: 365

contact us

Shandong Peninsula Cable Co., Ltd

Tel.: 0535-8621134

Q        Q:1653178622

Email: [email protected]

Address: Tonghai Road, High tech Development Zone, Longkou, Shandong

 New energy cable 1522035370290487.png