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Company name: Shandong Peninsula Cable Co., Ltd

Tel.: 0535-8621134

Mobile: 13688691898

Email: [email protected]

Q Q :1653178622


Address: Tonghai Road, High tech Development Zone, Longkou, Shandong

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  • [ Industry News ] What should be paid attention to at the outlet of wires and cables

    1、 Technical standards for export cables: IEC, British standard, American standard and other advanced standards are generally required for foreign high-temperature wires and cables, so it is not enough to be familiar with domestic standards, but also with international standards. 2、 Outlet cable laying conditions: the environmental conditions in West Asia, Southeast Asia and other regions are special, such as the extreme maximum temperature of 50 ℃ in some regions, and the maximum daily average temperature of 4
    Published on: November 30, 2017 Clicks: 433

contact us

Shandong Peninsula Cable Co., Ltd

Tel.: 0535-8621134

Q        Q:1653178622

Email: [email protected]

Address: Tonghai Road, High tech Development Zone, Longkou, Shandong

 New energy cable 1522035370290487.png