contact us

Company name: Shandong Peninsula Cable Co., Ltd

Tel.: 0535-8621134

Mobile: 13688691898

Email: [email protected]

Q Q :1653178622


Address: Tonghai Road, High tech Development Zone, Longkou, Shandong

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  • [ technical knowledge ] Safety Specification for Cable Production summarizes 106 points for attention in 15 categories

    1、 Daily safety of the workshop 1. Wear safety helmet as required. Those with long hair must put their long hair in the helmet. 2. Wear work clothes according to regulations. The work clothes must not be opened. The buttons must be fastened and the zipper must be closed. 3. Wear gloves reasonably as required. 4. Sandals and high-heeled shoes are not allowed. 5. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the production area. 6. The fire extinguisher shall be stored in a designated location and shall not be randomly stored
    Published on: April 19, 2019 Number of hits: 285

contact us

Shandong Peninsula Cable Co., Ltd

Tel.: 0535-8621134

Q        Q:1653178622

Email: [email protected]

Address: Tonghai Road, High tech Development Zone, Longkou, Shandong

 New energy cable 1522035370290487.png