In the design and production process of any product, there are often design changes, process changes, process adjustments, unplanned line stoppages, production changes, line transfers and other activities.So, how to ensure that these activities will not affect the subsequent production quality?This requires the first article inspection in the stages of operation preparation verification and post production verification.The definition process of first article and first article inspection has changed
Having done these four things well, a manager has become a manager for the first time, including a "parachute" manager later, and has become a director of human resources at present. He knows that it is not easy to change the role of a manager and improve his own value.Today, I would like to share with you my work experience over the years.It is expected that through this article, newly promoted managers will be less likely to leave
Precautions for locomotive cable line operation (1) Do not overload or overheat for a long time.Therefore, the monitoring of cable load current, external temperature and joint temperature should not be ignored;(2) The cable line feeder protection shall not be put into reclosing.Most of the cable line faults are permanent faults. If the reclosing action is taken, the accident will inevitably expand and threaten the power grid