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Route design -- optimize cable route scheme

Date of issue: 2016-07-27 Author: Click:

For those with anti-interference requirements power cable Anti interference measures shall be taken for lines according to the requirements of power cable design or equipment manufacturer. For lighting poles equipped with lightning rods, the cable laying shall meet the relevant requirements of grounding devices. The cable entering the building shall be equipped with a protective barrier. When entering the panel (cabinet) and penetrating the pipe, the inlet and outlet shall be closed, and the pipe orifice shall be sealed.   

The cable arrangement must meet the following requirements:

(1) Power cables and control cables shall be arranged separately;

(2) When the power cable and control cable are laid on the same side of the support, the control cable shall be placed under the power cable.    

(3) DC cables shall be as far away from power cables and AC control cables as possible.   

When connecting the cable cores, the specifications of the connecting pipes and lugs shall be consistent with the cores; When crimping is used, the size of the die shall be consistent with the specification of the conductor; Acid solder paste shall not be used when soldering with solder.  

Construction scheme

The lighting cables at both sides of the gate chamber and the main navigation wall are laid in a combination of cable trench and PVC pipe; The lighting cables of upstream and downstream dolphin are mainly laid through galvanized steel pipes. The lighting cable of the remote dispatching station wharf is laid through PVC pipe. Wherein, the buried depth of the pipe shall be ≥ 70cm.  

1) Check the smoothness of cable trench, cable bridge, cable well, embedded cable duct and cable path.  

2) Remove sundries and burrs from cable trench supports, cable trays, cable wells and embedded pipe openings. To avoid scratching the cable during cable laying.  

3) The final length of each section of cable is actually measured, and then the cable is customized.  

4) In order to avoid secondary handling and theft prevention, cables are delivered directly to the construction site in batches. The length of cables to be delivered by the manufacturer shall be agreed five days before cable laying. The cables must be delivered to the construction site one day before cable laying. The on-site cables on that day shall be completed as far as possible before the completion of work. If they cannot be completed, security measures shall be taken.  

5) Number the switchboard and local equipment.  

6) When laying the cable, the cable reel shall be supported by the cable support, and the cable reel shall be firmly erected. The edge of the baffle shall not be less than 100mm from the ground. Pay attention to the direction of rotation during laying. All personnel shall follow the unified command during cable laying. There should be reliable communication between each other. After a cable is laid, arrange and hang cable tags along the line to ensure tidiness and beauty. Then lay the next one. At some important turning points, each cable shall turn uniformly and parallel to each other.

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Address: Tonghai Road, High tech Development Zone, Longkou, Shandong

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