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Power cable installation equipment

Date of issue: 2016-07-27 Author: Click:

power cable Connecting devices

Function, structure and characteristics of power cable branch box:

(1) Function: It is used to complete the convergence and tapping of cable lines in the power distribution system, but generally it is not equipped with switches and special electrical connection equipment with secondary auxiliary configuration such as control measurement.

(2) Structure: there is no switchgear in the branch box, which is generally composed of three bus bridges, metal supports of bus bridges, metal or composite material shells (protective covers), live display devices and grounding devices. The branch box shall be configured with corresponding number and type of cable terminals according to the circuit composition and parameters marked in the planning and design, and the grounding and short circuit fault indicators shall be configured according to the relevant requirements of network operation. If there are special needs, the grounding and short circuit fault recording devices can be configured.

(3) Features: incoming line and outgoing line are connected together through bus bridge, with the same potential, which is suitable for trunk cable

The joint of line and branch cable line or the joint of load cable line and power line is also applicable to the replacement of cable line relay joints in areas with special geological and hydrological conditions.

When laying wires, installation workers often do not pay attention to installation quality; For example, no sleeve is installed at the place where the insulating pipe should be used; Where junction boxes should be used, junction boxes should be installed. The hot wire connector will not only cause a lot of power loss, but also seriously affect the normal operation of electrical equipment, ranging from the increase of working current in the line, the shortening of electrical equipment life, or the sudden interruption of electrical equipment, resulting in losses, even fire and electric shock accidents.

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Related labels: Power cable specification , Power cable model , Quotation of power cable

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Shandong Peninsula Cable Co., Ltd

Tel.: 0535-8621134

Q        Q:1653178622

Email: [email protected]

Address: Tonghai Road, High tech Development Zone, Longkou, Shandong

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